Saturday, 27 January 2007

The return of Machiavelli's prince

When Niccolo Machiavelli wrote his masterwork Il Principe, he didn't refer to a prince, but to a powerful and ruthless ruler who could force the union of Italy. Machiavelli's philosophical work was a tribute to Cesare Borgia, who conquered the Romagna, a territory in North-Italy consisting of several city-states, in 1501. Borgia was known, and in his time even feared, for his ruthless and cruel way of ruling the state. He wasn't reluctant at all to commit murder, rape and robbery in order to get his goal.

It is often said that history exists of an accumulation of recurrent phenomenons (for example: when Louis XVI of France was executed, France became a republic. However, when Napoleon Bonaparte crowned himself emperor, France became a kingdom again.) And even these days we can establish that recurrent phenomenons are on the move. But the worce thing is that nowadays Belgium is the place to see those phenomenons. And the phenomenon is, o shiver and shake, the fact that Machiavelli's prince has returned!

Ironically, it is also literally a prince. Our Belgian crown prince Philippe.

So what has prince Philippe done that makes him a cruel absolutist? Well, last Wednesday King Albert II gave his New Year's speech to the political, judicial, diplomatic and journalistic elite of the Belgian kingdom. After the king's speech, the audience gathered into one of the rooms of the royal palace where a reception was organised. It was there that prince Philippe got involved in a discussion with two Flemish journalists. The prince told them that if they keep up saying and writing "negative stories" about him on television or in the newspaper, that they weren't welcome anymore at the royal palace. As such, we now know the prince's stance on freedom of press.

When prince Philippe refers to "negative stories", he means the reports that were announced in the news about his role during a trade mission in South Africa in March 2006. But it's not the journalists's fault that prince Philippe got a bad reputation, as it were the entrepreneurs themselves (who accompanied the prince) that said that the prince wasn't interested in the whole business there. It was even often said that the presence of a crown prince mostly opens doors in doing business, but that this one is better at closing doors. So why does the prince blame the journalists now, when the only person who's got to blame is... himself!

It's not the first time that crown prince Philippe makes clear his opinion when it's not needed at all. In 2004, when Philippe was on another trade mission in China, he announced this: "In our country there are people, parties such as Vlaams Belang, who are against Belgium and who want to destruct our country. I can assure you that they will have to deal with me! I could be very tough!" In February 2005, prince Philippe signed a petition made by the Belgian Federation of Enterprises (VBO), which was very critical for the Belgian government.

These are three examples - in no more than two years - that show that Philippe doesn't really know what a crown prince is. As Belgium is (theoretically) a constitutional monarchy, the head of state is supposed to take a neutral stance on political issues in order not to disturb political decision making. In this case, the head of state himself - which is still king Albert - hasn't done anything wrong at all, but the crown prince - who can succeed to the throne at any time - has. And this time the prince hasn't made a political opinion, but even behaved as a royalty of the Ancien Régime, denouncing every principle of freedom of press or freedom of expression. It might be very harmful to our civil liberties - if they still genuinely exist in Belgium - to let prince Philippe inherit the throne.

The day after the crown prince's remarks, a discussion followed in the Belgian Chamber of Representatives. Laurette Onkelinx (Walloon Socialist Party PS), the Belgian vice-prime minister, strongly rejected the prince's behaviour, but nevertheless the mental frontier between Flemings and Walloons in our federal parliament has risen again: while most Flemish deputies agreed that the king's role should be reduced at least to a ceremonial function (nowadays the king still has to sign bills voted by the parliament or government; is the upper commander of the Belgian army; appoints and fires ministers; and so on) , the Walloon parliamentarians state that changes aren't necessary. Hence we can see how Belgium works: both Walloons (more specifically: the Walloon socialist political elite) and the royal palace need Belgium in order to survive, whereas Flanders hasn't any advantage at all of maintaining this kingdom. And as Belgium is historically, institutionally, culturally and economically an artificial country, the defenders of Belgium and its dynasty will use every method - even when democratic rules are neglected - to maintain the system. You see, Machiavelli is alive and kicking!

Sunday, 21 January 2007

Fighting racism or encroaching on freedom. What's the difference?

Last week, a man of Moroccan origin living in the Flemish city of Ghent summoned Belgian prime minister Guy Verhofstadt (VLD, the Flemish Liberal Party) and minister of Social Integration and Equality of Chances (yes, quite astonishing that this competence exists, indeed) Christian Dupont (PS, the Walloon Socialist Party). The reason why this man summoned them is because he is of the opinion that he is a victim of huge discrimination, as it's already the fourth time that he isn't allowed entrance in a dancing while his (Flemish and white pigmented) girlfriend can go in and out whenever she wants to. Hence, he states that the Belgian government isn't acting stringent enough to fight racism and discrimination. And according to both the European Convention on Human Rights and the Belgian constitution, racism nor discrimination on grounds of religion, conviction, ethnicity, gender and sexual nature is allowed.

The political correct establishment - which currently rules Belgium - immediately showed its empathy towards this Flemish-Moroccan guy and other 'victims' of 'atrocities' committed by 'racist' and 'ruthless' Flemings. The socialist parties of both Flanders and Wallonia stated that a huge expansion of state control in order to fight racism is required. They proposed to make it possible that government's inspectors could go 'undercover' to find out whether or not racism exists. For example: a government's inspector - "disguised" as an allochtone - could apply for a job (this will be a false apply, however). If he (or she) finds out that he or she is discriminated, it will be reported to the authorities who will eventually take the necessary (judicial) steps to prosecute the company. Fortunately, this anomaly will not occur, since the council of ministers couldn't agree whethter or not only government's officials (such as civil servants or bailiffs) or also volunteers could go undercover.

But those evil racists will be punished. O yes, they will! The government has decided to draw a bill (which needs to be discussed and ratified by the Belgian parliament), which says that if an employer, shopkeeper or waiter deny access to an allochtone (or other kind of minority), and when the suspect is brought to court, the accuser doesn't need to prove that he's a victim of discrimination, but the suspect will have to demonstrate that he DIDN'T discriminate. It seems quite obvious that this is a serious harm against the legal principle that each suspect isn't guilty untill his offence is proved. And it seems even more obvious that this is a serious precedent that is able to undress the constitutional state, and even more, is able to establish dictatorship.

Of course there was serious objection in Belgium's Chamber of Representatives last Thursday. However, the only party that rejected the government's proposal was the right-wing party Vlaams Belang (Flemish Interest). Even the Flemish Liberal Party VLD - which automatically should defend civil liberties - supported the government. This is not really a surprise, since the VLD delivers Belgium's prime minister. And that prime minister, Guy Verhofstadt, accused the Vlaams Belang of inciting hate, xenophobia and racism. Mr Verhofstadt even stated that racism isn't a thing that's inherent to freedom of speech, and should be severely punished. And then we have to remind that Mr Verhofstadt once was a enthusiastic fellow of Friedrich Hayek and Margaret Thatcher. But these times are all gone...

It's true that racism is something condemnable. But instead of a grand repression mechanism for which the officials of the German Democratic Republic would even envy us, it would be a good thing to make civil society condemn racism. Secondly, it often happens that allochtonous (or other) job-applicants aren't recruited because they simply don't have the required qualifications. And as the only owner of a company is the boss and its shareholders, it should be up to them - and nobody else! - to decide who they will recruite and who not. The new arrangement (as it will be only a matter of time when the bill will be adopted by the parliament) is as such a serious threath to their property right.

Fortunately it will take only four months - until the 10th of June - that we have to scrutinize the despotic behaviour of our executive officials. On that date, the Flemish and the Walloons can - no, they must - go out voting. Let's hope that a fresh new wind, restoring our civil liberties, will blow through the streets of Brussels. But it's quite certain that we don't have to take this wish for granted, since Flanders' (and Belgium's) political parties are no more than copies of eachother: political correct and political correctest.

Tuesday, 9 January 2007

When princes are brought to court

The Belgian - and mainly the Flemish - press reported last weeks that prince Laurent - who's a son of the present Belgian King Albert II, but not the crown prince - could be involved in a case of fraud. After Noël Vaessen, the former adviser of the prince, declared that the prince renovated his residence in Tervuren (near Brussels) on charge of the Belgian army, upheaval was caused in the Belgian press. To his opinion, it was a certain Marc Luypaerts, who lives in the province of Limburg and worked at the Belgian navy, and arranged the renovations of the prince's house and some of his chambers in the royal palace in Brussels.

Meanwhile, the public prosecutor of Hasselt (which is the main city of Limburg) requested a trial at Hasselt's (lower) court in order to clarify this case. Yesterday, this trial started its first day. And it will be a very unusual trial, because the prince himself will come to testimony about the things he knows, and the things he doesn't know. But Mr Vaessen - who's also an official in the Belgian army - must certainly regret his declarations in the press, because the judge found him guilty of collaring almost €2 million, and letting it through to Mr Luypaerts, who's already mentioned above. €300,000 of this amount was used to do the renovation works at the prince's rooms.

The crucial question now is whether or not prince Laurent is involved in this fraud case. According to Mr Vaessen and large parts of the public opinion he is, but according to other sources he isn't. We'll have to wait for the verdict to know.

But if the prince is involved - and if he would have an active role in it, it would be even worse - into this case, than it's an insult towards the Belgian (i.e. mostly Flemish) taxpayer. Since the Salic Law (which still refers to the famous law of the beginning of the 6th century) is abolished in Belgium, female royals could also inherit the Belgian throne. As a result, prince Laurent is ranked 11th to follow the present king and his father Albert II. Nevertheless, Laurent is granted an annual fee of 272.682,88 euro. Pity to live with such an embarrassingly little income, isn't it? Well, thanks to the taxpayer this amount is indexated every year. This means that the prince gets €312,000 this year. For doing... well, nothing in fact.

It isn't the first time that prince Laurent can't make ends meet with his small pittance. Last summer, the prince was about to sell two pictures of his new-born children to a gossip magazine for the price of €15,000. It were a better solution if the prince has to work for his money, like any other citizen. Or like his royal fellows in The Netherlands, where only the Dutch head of state (at present time Queen Beatrix) , the crown prince and his spouse get a fee by the state.

And even a better solution is a complete abolishment of this royal comedy. It is often said that the royal family is one of the only things that still binds Belgium together, and since it would be a better thing for both Flemings as Walloons to untie the Belgian knot, we can't wait to see the royals searching for another country to rule.

Tuesday, 2 January 2007

Drowning in a pool of laws

Since 1 January 2003 the Belgian law gazette can only be read electronically. World's forests must be very thankful to Belgium's government(s), because now a lot of trees is saved from ending up on a book shelf.

Now we've reached 2007, some calculations have been made. In 2006, no less than 76,468 pages have been published in the Belgian law gazette. Only in 2004 the annual compilation was even more bulky, with 87,755 pages published that year. The 2006 result means that there were about 200 pages published each day, or 1,400 a week. There's only one conclusion that can be drawn from these facts, namely that Belgium's legislators urgently need a pill against legislative diarrhoea.

There is a legal maxim - which already exists since the time of the Roman Empire - that goes as follows: "Nobody is supposed not to know the law." So we, Belgians, are supposed to know those 76,468 pages of law gazette almost by heart. It would be already a miracle if you can download this gigantic volume of pages on your computer!

As Belgium's federal government has got a State Secretary of Administrative Simplification - i.e. Vincent Van Quickenborne; member of the Flemish Liberal (what's in a name...) Party VLD - he was able to comment on this new facts. To his opinion, the amount of rules in Belgium has decreased in 2006 despite the increase of pages in the law gazette. Still according to Mr Van Quickenborne's opinion, the increase is due to the many translations that need to be published (Belgium has got three official languages, i.e. Dutch, French and German). Secondly, as Belgium is a federal state, the legislative documents of the regional and communal governments also appear in the Belgian law gazette. Thirdly, in order to simplify or abolish a law or an existing rule, you need to create a new rule. And fourthly, a lot of Belgian legislation is no more than the conversion of European directives into national legislation (maybe we can abandon with that foolish Union that brings us more eurocratism and corporatism instead of freedom). And that's why the Belgian law gazette grows every year fatter and fatter (by the way: if you accumulate the amount of pages created since 2000, you reach the number of 433,000 !!)

However, the (Flemish) Union of Independent Entrepreneurs (Unizo or Unie van Zelfstandige Ondernemers in Dutch) was astonished by the statements made by Mr Van Quickenborne. Karel Van Eetvelt - Unizo's chief spokesman - laughed at Mr Van Quickenborne, and said that a lot of entrepreneurs indeed suffer from Belgium's overregulation. The administrative cost for Belgium's entrepreneurs is estimated at €10 billion a year! Other surveys indicate that a downfall of one quarter of regulations can boost the economy by 1.4%. Our policy makers certainly need to reflect this number.

We already talked about the quantity of new regulations. What about its quality? Well, we can observe some cases that show the inefficiency of the Belgian system. In the law gazette's edition of 15 December 2006 (half a month ago), for example, there appeared a ministerial act dealing with the organization of the Finance Ministry. The issue isn't that peculiar, but the date when the act was signed is: 10 October 1979!!! This means that it took more than 27 years to be officially published!! A remarkable detail: the minister who signed this act was the christian democrat Gaston Geens... who rests in peace for already four years and a half! Another example: in the end of 2005, Rudy Demotte - the federal Minister of Social Affairs and member of the Walloon Socialist Party PS - promised the Belgian palliative centers to give them more financial backing. But in return, the conditions in order to get those funds were about to be strenghtened. What kind of new conditions this may be, would be read later in the Belgian law gazette. On 20 December 2006 the owners of the palliative centers knew to which conditions thay had to live up. It's quite obvious that this kind of situations can only happen in Belgium.

And it is even more obvious that Belgium and its governments have to stop playing 'Big Brother' all the time, trying to control the whole society with an army of new regulations. An introduction of the American system in which some laws contain an 'extinguish clause' could be very helpfull. With this clause, laws disappear after a certain determined time unless it's necessary to keep the law. This clause has been implemented in the famous anti-terror regulations of president Bush. Another idea would be to revise the whole serie of Belgian lawbooks page by page, and eliminate those acts that are really too stupid to maintain. But that will be a hard game to play, since the Belgian law gazette already exists since 1845. When will the new generation of politicians stand up to do this job in the name and fate of freedom?